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Rammstein: "We're Not Nazis"

Well that's cleared that one up then...

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Industrial German rock outfit Rammstein have declared that they will never let their home country's fascist past affect their music - insisting they can't be held responsible for the actions of previous generations.

The band claim they are misunderstood by fellow Germans, insisting that irrational fear of being associated with Adolf Hitler is to blame.

Guitarist Oliver Riedel says, "I would have to say Germany is the country that most often misunderstands us.
"Germans are repressed in a lot of ways. They feel a sense of shame about what happened in the war.

"This means a lot of bands and a lot of people are quite cowardly in what they do and what they say. So they'll pick up on the fact that our singer rolls his R's and say that he's imitating Hitler and that we're Nazis.

"This is nonsense but it is the way a lot of people in our country think. We are not responsible for what our fathers and grandfathers did. It was not our fault. We have no blood on our hands."

We should hope not Oli, it's a bugger to get out...

  • Ok. I guess I believe them.

    ~ by ac 6/15/2007

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  • I completely understand that they arent nazi and it isnt thier fault, but their burden, that generations before them commited such horrible crimes and they should not be judged for how their singer pronounces or sings any words or letters...just because he does it the same does NOT mean he is intentioinaly immitating hitler...hitler was a fascist dog and i hope his death was slow and painful and as for all the innocent people that died at his hands, by his order, god have mercy on their souls.

    ~ by greenzy 7/11/2007

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  • Assuming all angry (and I say angry because they are) Germans are Nazis (or bigots in general) is like assuming all pious Muslims are fanatical terrorists. Guilt by association is not That and, not all Germans where responsible for the horrible actions of many of their countrymen, though many know of their actions and did nothing to stop them.

    ~ by thatguy 9/6/2007

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